Phil's Absent Phriends

One of the most cherished traditions in the U.S. Military is the toasting of "Absent Friends", those Military Service Members that have passed, and whose memory should not - and will not - be forgotten.

The tremendous pain and sense of loss we all experience when a member of our pet family passes leaves an empty space that is best filled by good memories. On February 22, 2008, I lost my beloved Golden Retriever, Max. I will always love him and remember him, and Maxie will forever be a member of the Rouse House Family.

In the following photos, I honor the memory of those client special pet friends that have passed.

I know that God hasn't forgotten these wonderful, loving family members and that they will be waiting for their owners at the Rainbow Bridge, where, one day, like Max, we will all be reunited, and together again…forever.

It was truly a blessing to have known each of these gentle creatures. They will always remain in my heart and I will always love, cherish, and remember them as...

Phil's Absent Phriends